Change Tomorrow Today
Our goal is to help others that look and think like us find ways to navigate through life. Giving advice and experiences as examples. Hopefully changing a perspective or thought process.
Change Tomorrow Today
Black Born Peer Pressure
Growing up in the community where we’re from every day there is some form of peer pressure. There’s no grace or peace. The expectations are ridiculous and everything good is mostly frowned upon. If you’re smart and articulate you’re viewed as uncool, unpopular and sometimes a sellout. Running the streets seems like a mandatory task and playing with a girls mind and feelings earns you cool points. The police is our enemy, every other black person that is not from our paradox or block is deemed an enemy and both are treated as a threat. Being black is complicated because we lack guidance and support. Hopefully, one day we can change that narrative and make it cool to be our genuine selves.